Managing Partner & Wealth Advisor
Managing Partner & Wealth Advisor
We are locally based in The City of Homes Newnan, GA. We live here and we work here. At the same time, we know clients move and have family elsewhere. We have the ability to work with others that may live elswhere in other states.
We believe in giving back to the community. Involved in several non-profit committees and local boards. Giving back to charity and to people. We work with several local scholarship committees and implementations.
Trust is earned. We want to spend time getting to know YOU and your "Why" Everyone has different concerns we want to help find Solutions and give you the knowledge. As Henry David Thoreau Said "It takes two to speak the Truth. One to speak and the other to listen" We want to listen.
Our job is not to sell you a product. Finding solutions and monitoring those solutions is what we do. Our goal is work with our clients and their families for decades and generations. We seek to be your strategic alliance, coach and Friend.
We want to become your advocate.
As a Fiduciary, it is a standard we do not take lightly. We are legally bound to put our clients best interest ahead or our own. As registered Investment Advisors we have a Fiduciary duty to our clients both ethical and legal. Abiding by the "Prudent Person Standard of Care", a standard that originally stems form an 1830 court ruling. The Prudent Person Rule requires a person acting as a fiduciary is required to act first and foremost with the needs of clients. Strict care must be taken to ensure independent guidance.
Every client has different concerns and dreams. Finding a product cannot solve those concerns. We look outside the box and not using a cookie cutter approach. As we say, "We want to be the antidote to conventional wisdom." People see the financial industry commercials and "talking heads" on TV. How is that helping your current situation? How is that solving your concern? By utilizing a process we want to help give you that vision and the road map and find a solution.
We believe in just starting and moving forward. Life is evolving and as long as you are moving forward, you are making yourself better. That’s why believe in just getting started. Some investment solutions may carry a minimum, from individual financial providers. To discuss your concerns and financial planning tools - we have no minimum to talk to you.
With our partnership with LPL Financial, RBM Wealth Management Group is truly independent and transparent. Our decisions are made locally and based on the best interest of you - our client. We are not controlled by stock holders or a board sitting in a corporate tower.
With Decades of Experience in the Financial Service Industry along with working with diverse clientele. We believe in giving all clients a professional experience. With the simple, but often forgotten saying and belief, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, only do it first." We offer CFP® as Partner and CPFA™ APMA® as a Partner in our Group. With the belief in "Integrity, Intelligence, and Maturity."
With decades in the Financial Industry, we have the experience and knowledge that can only be learned by doing it. You can learn all you want from a Book, but until you are able to implement what you learn and put it into action is something you learn only from time and experience.
Working with advisors that have worked through several market cycles are important. With decades of experience we have worked with our clients through those. Learning how past market events affect current markets is Important. With the use of our vast experience and our partnerships with some greatest minds in the financial iIndustry we have worked with over the years, helps us to offer you the knowledge to manage the market cycles.
In some market cycles anyone can throw a dart and make money. But many and most markets require experience and knowledge and a data-driven approach to managing through the ups and downs and volatility of the markets. We help to take the emotion and take on more critical thinking and help quiet the noise.
We are going to put your financial plan and life under a microscope in order to best establish future and forceast and help identify any potential pitfalls and risks. We will investigate and help confirm all facts and this will help ensure you are better equipped to make the best decision that aligns with your goals.
Giving you the most objective advice that is sound, Impartial, and candid. Helping you create a plan to help you enjoy financial security during all times. Offering guidance helps navigate today's complex financial decisions. Working with authenticity, listening, empathy, non-judgement, and curiosity.
Utilization of research and technology to help guide you through the financial planning and investment process. Having access to investment research and partners that help keep you up to date on the ever changing financial markets. Using a data-based approach helps to navigate all financial markets.
Working daily and meeting weekly to discuss and review portfolios that maybe affected by market trends and economic data. We have the ability to customize each and every client investment portfolio, including potentially making changes to portfolio to help potentially grow and help protect your assets. Staying up to date on market cycles and having a committee for us to look at ideas and trends. The old saying, "Using different heads are better than one" is true.
Our commitment to you is simple - Saying what we mean and meaning what we say.
To Quote Georges Bernanos, "A thought which does not result in action is nothing much, and an action which does not proceed from a thought is nothing at all."
We want to move complexity to simplicity. We want to become your registered Life Planner. Many times people look at the end result and forget about the process, doing the little things right in the process to build the foundation builds a strong and lasting result.
Securities and Advisory Services offered through LPL Financial, a registered investment advisor, Member FINRA/SIPC
LPL Financial Form CRS
The LPL Financial registered representative(s) associated with this website may discuss and/or transact business only with residents of the states in which they are properly registered or licensed. No offers may be made or accepted from any resident of any other state. Representatives are currently licensed for Advisory Business: AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, HI, IS, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, WY
For Brokerage Business: AL, CA, CO, DC, FL, GA, ID, IL, MA, MD, MS, NC, NV, NY, OH, OK, SC, TX, VA
For Insurance & Annuities: AK, AL, CA, CT, DC, GA, MA, MD, NC, OH, OK, SC, VA , TX
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